Elementary Education and Special Education

以文科传统为基础,与我们的使命一致, 亚洲博彩平台排名的基础和特殊教育学士学位课程将内容导向的课程与教学方法的综合研究和不同环境下的实践经验相结合. 我们强调文化响应教学,并认真修改课程,以确保我们的学生实施最新的, 在他们工作的学校进行创新和有效的实践.

Prepare to Actively Participate in the Lives of Children

亚洲博彩平台排名以实践为基础的基础教育课程提供多样化的内容知识,旨在为学生准备好申请罗德岛州1-6年级的教师证书. Rigorous coursework espouses a general, 博雅和人文教育,同时强调基础研究, 专门的方法和扩大实地经验的计划-所有这些都在我们众多合作小学之一的要求学生教学中达到高潮.

特殊教育课程——只能作为儿童早期教育或小学教育的双专业——让专业的学生能够与有轻度和中度特殊需求的学生一起工作. 我们的学生研究卓越性及其与学习风格的关系, teaching styles and service delivery models. Through comprehensive coursework and field experience, 专业在有效管理课堂和教学实践的同时,制定应对学生行为需求的策略.

萨尔维里贾纳的基础教育和特殊教育项目都致力于培养高素质的毕业生, 准备充分的教师积极参与儿童的生活和学校的活力.

Program Spotlight: Exceptional Opportunities

Elise Capozzi, a double major in elementary and special education, 从她在Club Rush期间作为一名一年级学生被介绍到这个组织的那一刻起,她就被特殊儿童委员会的使命所吸引. 现在她已经大四了,并且连续第二年担任分会主席, 她的使命是将CEC的重要工作介绍给校园社区的更多人.

 我在CEC的经历让我对那些为残疾人争取权益的组织有了更好的了解. 这些组织允许家庭与专业人士一起工作,并与其他有同样残疾儿童的家庭见面. 教育工作者必须熟悉这些组织,以便为家庭提供资源.


Our Faculty

全面的指导和个性化的指导,从我们的忠诚和经验丰富的教师确保我们的学生获得的知识和技能,把理论付诸实践, and to become exemplary practitioners and scholars.​


Meet Our Faculty

Life After Salve

亚洲博彩平台排名的课程为毕业生成为合格教师做准备, 但是获得的各种知识和技能——包括组织, writing and presenting, working with parents or guardians, summarizing ideas, flexibility, creativity, explaining ideas clearly, decision-making, lesson planning, working in teams, 技术技能等等,使我们的专业成为各种工作和职业的理想候选人, both in and out of the classroom.

Some of those may include:

  • Adult education teacher
  • Athletic coach/director
  • Child life specialist
  • Curriculum specialist
  • Day care administrator
  • Education management
  • Educational materials sales
  • Educational therapist
  • Guidance counselor
  • Instructor, college/university
  • Librarian
  • Media center specialist
  • Physical education instructor
  • Resource teacher
  • School administrator
  • School psychologist
  • Special education administrator
  • Speech pathologist
  • Student affairs administrator
  • Student personnel administrator
  • Teacher, industrial arts
  • Training specialist
  • Tutor
  • Vocational rehabilitation counselor

 This program is in a league of its own. 我是一个更好的教育者,因为我能够接触到所有学术和功能能力的学生. 


Major in Elementary Education (B.S.)

14 courses | 51 credits

Required courses:

  • EDC120:美国教育中的种族与不平等概论
  • EDC202: Foundations of Reading
  • EDC220:儿童和青少年发展和学习理论
  • EDC243: Children’s Literature
  • EDC298:多元文化社会中的辅导与辅导1
  • EDC299:多元文化社会中的辅导与辅导2
  • EDC305: Teaching Social Studies in Elementary School
  • EDC320: Teaching Literacy and Language
  • EDC323:小学数学与科学教学
  • EDC354: Strategies for Teaching English Learners
  • EDC431: Student Teaching in Elementary Education
  • EDC432: Student Teaching Seminar in Elementary Education


  • SED211:介绍学生的特点与例外
  • SED232:行为和课堂管理的原则和程序

Professional licensure disclosure

Major in Elementary and Special Education (B.S.)

21 courses | 79 credits

Required elementary education courses:

  • EDC120:美国教育中的种族与不平等概论
  • EDC202: Foundations of Reading
  • EDC220:儿童和青少年发展和学习理论
  • EDC243: Children’s Literature
  • EDC298:多元文化社会中的辅导与辅导1
  • EDC299:多元文化社会中的辅导与辅导2
  • EDC305: Teaching Social Studies in Elementary School
  • EDC320: Teaching Literacy and Language
  • EDC323:小学数学与科学教学
  • EDC354: Strategies for Teaching English Learners
  • EDC431: Student Teaching in Elementary Education
  • EDC432: Student Teaching Seminar in Elementary Education

Required special education courses:

  • SED211:介绍学生的特点与例外
  • SED225:残疾儿童的识字、语言和交流发展
  • SED232:行为和课堂管理的原则和程序
  • SED305: Intensive Intervention: Curriculum, 轻/中度残疾学生的方法与评估
  • SED310:全纳课堂中的特殊教育:课程, 轻/中度残疾学生的方法与评估2
  • SED331:残疾儿童评估程序
  • SED350: Collaboration: Home, School and Community
  • SED411: Student Teaching in Special Education
  • SED432: Student Teaching Seminar in Special Education

Professional licensure disclosure

Minor in Special Education

All education majors, along with students not majoring in education, are welcome to minor in special education. 我们的辅修不符合特殊教育教师资格认证的要求.

6 courses | 18 credits

Required courses for early childhood education majors:

  • SED211:介绍学生的特点与例外
  • SED225:残疾儿童的识字、语言和交流发展
  • SED370:与有语言和读写困难的幼儿一起工作
  • SED380:不同学习需要幼儿的策略
  • Two elective courses in special education


  • SED211:介绍学生的特点与例外
  • SED225:残疾儿童的识字、语言和交流发展
  • SED232:行为和课堂管理的原则和程序
  • SED350: Collaboration: Home, School and Community
  • Two elective courses in special education

Required courses for non-education majors:

  • SED211:特殊学生特征介绍
  • SED225:残疾儿童的识字、语言和交流发展
  • SED350: Collaboration: Home, School and Community
  • Two elective courses in special education
  • 经小学和特殊教育协调员批准的一门额外课程